299 research outputs found

    Rashba spin-orbit interaction enhanced by graphene in-plane deformations

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    Graphene consists in a single-layer carbon crystal where 2pzp_z electrons display a linear dispersion relation in the vicinity of the Fermi level, conveniently described by a massless Dirac equation in 2+12+1 spacetime. Spin-orbit effects open a gap in the band structure and offer perspectives for the manipulation of the conducting electrons spin. Ways to manipulate spin-orbit couplings in graphene have been generally assessed by proximity effects to metals that do not compromise the mobility of the unperturbed system and are likely to induce strain in the graphene layer. In this work we explore the U(1)×SU(2)\rm{U(1)}\times SU(2) gauge fields that result from the uniform stretching of a graphene sheet under a perpendicular electric field. Considering such deformations is particularly relevant due to the counter-intuitive enhancement of the Rashba coupling between 30-50% for small bond deformations well known from tight-binding and DFT calculations. We report the accessible changes that can be operated in the band structure in the vicinity of the K points as a function of the deformation strength and direction.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Bipolar spin filter in a quantum dot molecule

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    We show that the tunable hybridization between two lateral quantum dots connected to non-magnetic current leads in a `hanging-dot' configuration that can be used to implement a bipolar spin filter. The competition between Zeeman, exchange interaction, and interdot tunneling (molecular hybridization) yields a singlet-triplet transition of the double dot {\it ground state} that allows spin filtering in Coulomb blockade experiments. Its generic nature should make it broadly useful as a robust bidirectional spin polarizer.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures (to appear in Appl. Phys. Lett.

    Phase characterization of spinor Bose-Einstein condensates: a Majorana stellar representation approach

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    We study the variational perturbations for the mean-field solution of an interacting spinor system with underlying rotational symmetries. An approach based upon the Majorana stellar representation for mixed states and group theory is introduced to this end. The method reduces significantly the unknown degrees of freedom of the perturbation, allowing us a simplified and direct exploration on emergent physical phenomena. We apply it to characterize the phases of a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate and to study the behavior of these phases with entropy. The spin-2 phase diagram was also investigated within the Hartree-Fock approximation, where a non-linear deviation of the cyclic-nematic phase boundary with temperature is predicted

    Thermal effects on the spin domain phases of high spin-f Bose-Einstein condensates with rotational symmetries

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    Spinor Bose Einstein condensates (BEC) can be realized nowadays using different atomic species of several spin values, offering unprecedented opportunities to scrutinize the underlying physics of its spin phase domains and of its quantum phase transitions. At sufficient low temperatures, lower than the critical temperature, a fraction of thermally excited atoms of the condensate can still interact with the whole system leading to spin-dependent interactions that can modify the nature of its phase domains. In this work, we characterize the thermal fraction of atoms of a spinorial BEC of general spin-ff value, provided that its ground state lies in a given spin phase with rotational symmetry. To that end, we use the Hartree-Fock approximation and a method based on the Majorana stellar representation for mixed quantum states and symmetry arguments. We consider the spin phases with usual point group symmetries, including those with some exotic phases associated to the platonic solids. The method leads to useful analytical expressions of the eigenspectrum of the thermal cloud allowing us to study the admissible regions and multipolar magnetic moments of the spin phases as a function of the temperature for general spin values

    From classical to quantum spintronics: Theory of coherent spin injection and spin valve phenomena

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    We present a theory of coherent quantum transport in ferromagnetic/ non-magnetic/ ferromagnetic heterojunctions. We predict quantum coherence to give rise to a quantum spin valve effect that, unlike its familiar classical analog, occurs even in the absence of a net spin current through the heterostructure. Thus the relationship between spin and charge transport is qualitatively different in the presence of quantum interference than in the (semi)classical regime. This has important implications for the design of quantum coherent spintronic devices and the interpretation of experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. To appear in EP

    Energy spectrum and Landau levels in bilayer graphene with spin-orbit interaction

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    We present a theoretical study of the bandstructure and Landau levels in bilayer graphene at low energies in the presence of a transverse magnetic field and Rashba spin-orbit interaction in the regime of negligible trigonal distortion. Within an effective low energy approach (L\"owdin partitioning theory) we derive an effective Hamiltonian for bilayer graphene that incorporates the influence of the Zeeman effect, the Rashba spin-orbit interaction, and inclusively, the role of the intrinsic spin-orbit interaction on the same footing. Particular attention is spent to the energy spectrum and Landau levels. Our modeling unveil the strong influence of the Rashba coupling λR\lambda_R in the spin-splitting of the electron and hole bands. Graphene bilayers with weak Rashba spin-orbit interaction show a spin-splitting linear in momentum and proportional to λR\lambda_R , but scales inversely proportional to the interlayer hopping energy γ1\gamma_1. However, at robust spin-orbit coupling λR\lambda_R the energy spectrum shows a strong warping behavior near the Dirac points. We find the bias-induced gap in bilayer graphene to be decreasing with increasing Rashba coupling, a behavior resembling a topological insulator transition. We further predict an unexpected assymetric spin-splitting and crossings of the Landau levels due to the interplay between the Rashba interaction and the external bias voltage. Our results are of relevance for interpreting magnetotransport and infrared cyclotron resonance measurements, including also situations of comparatively weak spin-orbit coupling.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Spin Precession and Oscillations in Mesoscopic Systems

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    We compare and contrast magneto-transport oscillations in the fully quantum (single-electron coherent) and classical limits for a simple but illustrative model. In particular, we study the induced magnetization and spin current in a two-terminal double-barrier structure with an applied Zeeman field between the barriers and spin disequilibrium in the contacts. Classically, the spin current shows strong tunneling resonances due to spin precession in the region between the two barriers. However, these oscillations are distinguishable from those in the fully coherent case, for which a proper treatment of the electron phase is required. We explain the differences in terms of the presence or absence of coherent multiple wave reflections.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Spin rotation for ballistic electron transmission induced by spin-orbit interaction

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    We study spin dependent electron transmission through one- and two-dimensional curved waveguides and quantum dots with account of spin-orbit interaction. We prove that for a transmission through arbitrary structure there is no spin polarization provided that electron transmits in isolated energy subband and only two leads are attached to the structure. In particular there is no spin polarization in the one-dimensional wire for which spin dependent solution is found analytically. The solution demonstrates spin evolution as dependent on a length of wire. Numerical solution for transmission of electrons through the two-dimensional curved waveguides coincides with the solution for the one-dimensional wire if the energy of electron is within the first energy subband. In the vicinity of edges of the energy subbands there are sharp anomalies of spin flipping.Comment: 9 oages, 7 figure

    Spin transport of electrons through quantum wires with spatially-modulated strength of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction

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    We study ballistic transport of spin-polarized electrons through quantum wires in which the strength of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction (SOI) is spatially modulated. Subband mixing, due to SOI, between the two lowest subbands is taken into account. Simplified approximate expressions for the transmission are obtained for electron energies close to the bottom of the first subband and near the value for which anticrossing of the two lowest subbands occurs. In structures with periodically varied SOI strength, {\it square-wave} modulation on the spin transmission is found when only one subband is occupied and its possible application to the spin transistor is discussed. When two subbands are occupied the transmission is strongly affected by the existence of SOI interfaces as well as by the subband mixing